Little Scientists

Shop L2-18 / 5209 5525 Floor Plan

Opening Hours:
10:00 am -7:30 pm (Monday to Friday)
9:30 am - 7:00 pm (Saturday, Sunday)

Little Scientists has been established for 8 years and has 13 branches in Hong Kong. We do experiments to help children to understand scientific principles. The eight scientific major areas include space, science, biology, health, environment, physics, mathematics and technology. Aim to let children comprehensively inspire scientific thinking.


The five major purposes of Little Scientists:

1. Care for the earth (animals, plants, environment, nature)

2. Establish good values (responsibility, empathy, kindness, sharing)

3. Improve scientific knowledge (interest, creativity, knowledge, sense of touch)

4. Happy growth (knowledge, soul, further education)

5. Contact with nature (parent-child outdoor activities)


The Education Bureau has announced that the general studies subject will be changed to science subject and will be divided into 4 areas to seamlessly integrate with our curriculum, Life and Environment / Matter / Energy and Change /Earth and space. The topics are just like our philosophy 8 years ago, science will significantly increase its importance in 2024


- Affects school rankings and further education (some schools are promoted to the same score as mathematics)

- More in line with the ultra-rapid development of social science and technology

- Improve students’ competitiveness in the world

- Access to science and artificial intelligence for all

Actual opening hours may vary, please contact shop for details.